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Get Involved

Get Involved

Want to get involved with our class?

There are many ways to get involved with Class of 2002.

First, help us keep in touch with you!

Make sure your contact info is up to date with the Alumnae Association. Go to and call or sign into the online community to update it.

Join the private group “Wellesley College Class of 2002” on Facebook.

Check out the Wellesley Alumnae Network on LinkedIn.

If you would like to get involved as an officer of the class, elections are held at each Reunion. Each officer serves a five-year term, which begins at our reunion. The nomination committee chair will take nominations if you or someone you know would like to be on the executive committee, starting in September before our next Reunion. Serving as a class officer is a great way to help the Class of 2002 stay in touch with the college and each other. Class Officers are invited to attend the Alumnae Leadership Council twice during their term, in their first and fourth years. The Wellesley College Alumnae Association staff provides training and support throughout the five year term. 

You can also get involved with the class by volunteering for the Reunion committee. This committee is most active in the 18 months leading up to each Reunion.

Finally, you are welcome to host a mini-reunion in your city.

You can volunteer for any of these roles by contacting Julie at