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President's Message

President's Message
There is no place like Wellesley, and there is no class like the class of 2005!
I'm so proud to be your representative to the College, and to help keep you connected to Wellesley in between reunions.
If you have ideas for mini-reunions or fundraisers, or just generally have an idea for something the Class should be involved in, please contact me at
Otherwise, make sure to check out the class Facebook and Instagram pages to see news from the College and updates from your classmates. Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to share information on either of these platforms in addition to sending updates for class notes in the alum magazine ( 
Please consider becoming a class lifetime member. Funds from lifetime memberships go directly to purchasing shares in the endowment, which provide annual dividends to the class. This is how we reimburse our dedicated class volunteers for attending on-campus trainings and how we help offset the cost of reunion. Your donation matters! Become a class lifetime member today!
I can't wait to see you at Reunion June 5-7, 2020!
Liz Nesoff, Class of 2005 President