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Class Love Day Challenge

Class Love Day Challenge
The oldest reuning classes of Reunion 2020 have generously decided to support our Reunion and the College by offering a challenge. We can earn up to $1,000 towards our class treasury if 160 classmates make a gift to the College by the end of Reunion registration. We're well on our way with 48 donors already contributing, and every donation counts toward our goal! These gifts will be used to support Wellesley, but the $1,000 challenge funds are ours to support our class!
Class treasury funds are essential to keeping Reunion costs down, as well as providing opportunities for future programming and class initiatives. Our gifts to the College will be put to work immediately. The class officers have chosen to encourage our class to give towards campus maintenance, but any gift to the College ensures all students have access to resources that will help them succeed. This is truly a campaign that benefits the entire Wellesley community!
Giving is easy and there are two ways to make a gift:
  • Visit our Class challenge page to give now! If you would like to be part of our class gift towards campus maintenance, please select The Wellesley Fund: Campus Renewal as your gift's designation, but gifts to any designation count towards our donor goal!
  • When registering for Reunion, make a gift to the Wellesley Fund. Online registration opens February 12th.