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2005 Lifetime Members

Evergreen Class Lifetime Members

  1. Annette Adamska
  2. Kristine Amari
  3. Jamie Bernthal Andersen
  4. Genevieve Brennan
  5. Lindsay Burr
  6. Jerri Chen
  7. Bailey Childers
  8. Kimberly Chin
  9. Alanna Clair
  10. Lauren Collalto
  11. Julia Collins
  12. Beth Dakin
  13. Melissa Davis
  14. Amy Dering
  15. Caroline Dickerson
  16. Jennifer Dietz
  17. Katherine Doiron
  18. Lila Durnan
  19. Kathryn Erickson
  20. Joy Delamaide Gasper
  21. Maeve Gearing
  22. Cecilia Gerard
  23. Marisa Gerla
  24. Rachel Hodge
  25. Stephanie Kacoyanis
  26. Kristina Kazarian
  27. Erin Flannery Keith
  28. Sarah Kelly
  29. Ellen Keris
  30. Bethany Klem
  31. Christina Kloster
  32. Seeyuen Lee
  33. JiaJing Liu
  34. Jennifer Losaw
  35. Sarah McPhie
  36. Beth Merfish
  37. Chailee Moss
  38. Elizabeth Nesoff
  39. Jennifer O’Donnell
  40. Sarah Parks
  41. Seema Rathod
  42. Vanessa Reid
  43. Nayoung Rim
  44. Alisha Rodriquez
  45. Logan Schmidt
  46. Karen Seo
  47. Randi Shapiro
  48. Kristen Thane
  49. Bora Un
  50. Paz Valencia
  51. Emily Vardell
  52. Brenna Vredeveld
  53. Erika Woods
  54. Nicole Yoon
  55. Katherine Young

List updated June 2020