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Class Life Membership: $200

Why Class Lifetime Membership?
Your Class Lifetime Membership dollars go directly to support Class of 2006 activities that keep us connected with each other, and to the College. By purchasing lifetime dues, you are able to strengthen the class' treasury, which helps in subsidizing our Reunion events at Wellesley every five years as one example.

What does your Lifetime Membership do?  

  • The one time donation of $200 is invested alongside the Wellesley Endowment - our class will receive dividends on this donation every year for the rest of time.  This is the highest impact way to donate to our class.
  • This money is used to build our 2006 Community: Wellesley Reunions, Local Mini-Reunions, and memorials
  • We also contribute to a class spirit fund that defrays reunion costs for class members that would otherwise have trouble attending
  • This is a tax deductible donation
  • It is used only to support the Class of 2006 and is different from the general Wellesley Fund