This online Wellesley community is home to all the ways you can stay connected to alums near and far. Choose the groups you want to be part of, search for Wellesley friends, or find networking connections through the Hive. There are many ways to keep Wellesley in your life and we are happy you are here!

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Important Update for Inclusivity and Community

Wellesley clubs, classes, and Shared Identity Groups (SIGs) have moved away from a dues structure to create an open and inclusive membership model that welcomes all alums. Paid memberships have been phased out.

Group members who wish to give to Wellesley are encouraged to direct gifts to The Wellesley Fund, which supports the College's greatest needs. Gifts may also be made by phone at 781.283.2802 or by mailing a check to:

Wellesley College
Development Office
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481

Your tax-deductible donation to The Wellesley Fund goes toward:

  • Supporting robust financial aid so that the College can meet 100 percent of calculated financial need for promising students from all social and economic backgrounds.
  • Furthering the College's mission to achieve true excellence in liberal arts education through innovative teaching and research.
  • Updating the College's learning facilities to maintain state-of-the-art standards.
  • Keeping the campus beautiful and inspiring.

If you have any questions or are interested in helping to support The Wellesley Fund, please contact the Wellesley Fund class representative, Maya

Thank you!

Your 2010 Board