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Benefits and dues:

Dear Class of 2012,

Your Class of 2012 Alumnae Council would like to let you know about alumnae class dues. Yes, we are asking you for money. But wait! Don’t stop reading yet! Just hear us out. Remember, this request comes from fellow young alumnae who understand fully the financial realities that many of us face.

The money you pay in dues will be used solely for Class of 2012 activities and operations. This money will be used for paper and postage to print and mail newsletters or invitations to you, money to fund class mini-reunions, memorials and, most importantly, our 5-year reunions. It should be emphasized that the main use of this money is for our weekend-long reunions back at Wellesley College, which will include dinners, parties, and activities during the day.

There are two different kinds of dues. The Annual Dues are $20.12. This fee is payable annually to the class and gets deposited directly into the class bank account. The current Lifetime Membership is a one-time payment of $300. This money differs from Annual Dues in that it gets invested as the Wellesley endowment does. The income earned annually from these invested funds is used to support class activities. This money will create a nest egg for our class, growing over time to provide us with funds for our future reunions.

A few general points about any money you give:
- it is tax deductible
- it will only be used to support the Class of 2012
- this is not the same as giving to the College via the Wellesley Fund

Your name will be added to the list of classmates who have given on our Class of 2012 website Membership page. Thank you for giving!

Your Class of 2012 Alumnae Council