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Volunteer Leadership

Volunteer Leadership

Class Officers 2019 – 2023

President: Ada Smith

Vice President: Hannah Gross

Secretary: Erin Hogan

Treasurer: Jessica Frey Spada

Reunion Chair: Erin Corcoran & Hannah Gross



Class Officers 2014 – 2018
President: Jean Lee
Vice President: Cristina Lucas
Secretary: Molly Cyr
Treasurer: Rachel Insoft
Wellesley Fund Representative: Jessica Frey

Reunion Volunteers
Reunion Co-Chair: Erin Corcoran
Reunion Co-Chair: Eileen Parodi

Wellesley Fund Representative: Jessica Frey

Durant Chair: Victoria Udom

Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives:
Cristina Lucas
Erin Corcoran
Molly Cyr
Rachel Insoft
Jean Lee