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Welcome, Class of 2014, to our webpage, connecting us to one another, to the College and the WCAA!

Your Class Officers are working to keep our class connected and look forward to hearing from all of you.  Remember: three or more classmates gathering together counts as a mini-reunion, so send a picture to our Vice-President to help the class get credit with the WCAA.  We'll post your pictures on the Class of 2014 Facebook group, as well as our webpage.

Feel free to reach out to any of your Class Officers (listed below) with questions, comments or ideas for improving connections among the Class of 2014.

All the best,

Laura Bruno

President: Laura Bruno

Vice-President: Katie Eyring

Treasurer: Anshula Venkataraman

Secretary: Nathalie Davidson

Wellesley Fund Representative: Anna Tupper-Bridges