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About Reunion

About Reunion

Stay tuned for more information on our 10-Year Reunion in 2026!






Our 5th Reunion is upon us - June 4th-6th! This reunion provides a special opportunity to reignite the connection to our Wellesley Class of 2016 community, especially during this time that has been difficult for all of us in different ways. Though we cannot reunite in-person this year, our Reunion Committee is hard at work crafting virtual events that will allow us to come together, check in with one another, reminisce about our time at Wellesley, and celebrate new successes; oh and hopefully you will laugh and have fun too! We are so excited to share these events with you all! Be on the lookout for emails and social media posts with Reunion updates and ways you can get involved! In the meantime, please do not hesitate to email me at with any questions, comments, ideas, feedback, etc.! I would love to hear from you.


Looking forward to seeing you in June! 


~ Ariela S. Nazar-Rosen, Reunion Chair


Our INCREDIBLE Reunion Committee:

Chandler Abshire

Anne Corbett

Ferni Cruz

Mollee Jain 

Ali Johnson

Alix Lewis

Michaella Montana

Emily Orgias

Victoria Yu