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Past Events Details

Upcoming Events October - November - December 2023

October 21 Service Day at Good Life Refuge in Longmont

Come join us for an afternoon of community and service as we support rescued farm animals at Good Life Refuge in Longmont, on October 21, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm.

Good Life Refuge offers a permanent home to over 70 animal residents who were previously abused or at-risk, providing care, enrichment, housing, food, and LOVE. Good Life enjoys educating the public on the special needs of farm animals, as well as giving people the opportunity to show their support through volunteering and special projects. This event gives participants the chance to connect with animals and get their hands dirty - all for a great cause!




Alums are invited to a potluck lunch at the home of Kristen Dutton on Saturday November 4 at 12:30 pm.This will be a relaxing opportunity to enjoy delicious food and good conversation in Kristen's home.



HOLIDAY COOKIE EXCHANGE!   Saturday December 2 at 2 pm



For details on all of these events, please watch for a Wellesley Club of Colorado email that will hit your in-box on the morning of October 17.


We hope to see you at one or more of these events!