This online Wellesley community is home to all the ways you can stay connected to alums near and far. Choose the groups you want to be part of, search for Wellesley friends, or find networking connections through the Hive. There are many ways to keep Wellesley in your life and we are happy you are here!

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WCC December 2023 Newsletter

We hope that more alums will be inspired to connect with the community in 2024. We also hope that you’ll take a few moments to fill out our 2023 survey so we can better understand what you’d like to see more of in the new year.

Wishing you a happy holiday season,  The Wellesley Club of Colorado Coordinating Committee

Welcome, September 2023

The club is resuscitating this year and we look forward to meetings for enjoyable activities.  Everyone’s ideas are welcome!  To get started, we have a few members willing to facilitate activities and connections.  Please reach out to any of us with ideas and we will help with getting the word out.  Through the college-hosted club website, we can send email blasts, collect RSVPs, and collect payments.  So please get in touch!

We have a brand new, automatic password reset feature!

The Wellesley Login allows alumnae to sign into various College systems and websites using a single username and password. In order to view the alumnae directory and other restricted content on My Wellesley Community, you will have to use your Wellesley Login.

Information about the WCAA website

We invite you to explore the entire WCAA website and information about Wellesley College Alumnae Association special interest groups (SIGS), class connections & activities, club gatherings, and ways to stay connected virtually.