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Get Involved

Get Involved

Want to get involved with our club?

Would you like to be a little more involved with the Club? Here we list various ways to get involved, and we hope to hear from you. We would love to hear your ideas also!

Host an Event

CWC Alumnae Soirees: We have some interesting alumnae in our Club who are currently working on projects which would be fascinating to hear about. We would like to have occasional soirees hosted by Club members where we could hear from these alumnae, perhaps over dessert or lunch or dinner or whatever suits the host and speaker. If you would be interested in hosting such an event, please let President Lauren know!

Alumnae Admissions Event: Host a tea for prospective students. Our admissions representatives will set it all up -- all you need to do is be a gracious host! We would love to hear from anyone who can host. Please contact Miranda or Laura.

Decade Chairs

Would you like to be a liaison between the Board and alumnae from your same class decade? This is basically an old-fashioned phone tree, except you may do it by email or phone. We just ask that you contact folks when an event is coming up to give them that personal invitation that may get results when a simple mailing doesn't. We also ask that you serve on the Nominating Committee, chaired by the immediate past-president, to identify good prospects for the Board. With your contacts with your decade compadres, it is a natural extension of your role as Decade Chair.  Please let Lauren know if you are interested.

Board of Directors



Vice President

Secretary (or co-secretaries)


Other Members of the Board:

Admissions Representative (or co-representatives)

Immediate-past President and Chair of Nominating Committee