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Past Events

Last spring's Wellesley in the '60s panel spurred an engaging conversation about social and political change. We'll continue that conversation in mid-October with a book club focused on fellow alumna Madeleine Albright's latest work, Fascism: A Warning.

Wellesley in the 60's Panel

A trip back in time to discover (or remember) the political, social, and spiritual upheaval of the late 1960's and early 1970's through the eyes of Wellesley.

Private Tour of the Beyond Impressionism Exhibition

The Wellesley, Yale, and Dartmouth Clubs of Central Ohio invite alumni and their guests to a private curator’s introduction and champagne breakfast, followed by a docent-led tour of the upcoming Beyond Impressionism exhibit at the Columbus Museum of Art. This event takes place on opening weekend, and before the museum becomes accessible to the general public.

Wellesley alums gathered at Z Cucina di Spirito in Grandview on Thursday, February 12. CWC is hosting a series of casual cocktail hours in 2015. We hope to see you at the next one on March 30. Location and time TBA.

Join HBS Club Columbus members and guests, along with our friends from Harvard and Dartmouth, for an informative evening at the Center for Automotive Research at The Ohio State University. Our panelists will discuss a range of issues relating to automotive technology and autonomous vehicles that will radically transform the future of transportation and our lives as a result.

In preparation for Cinco de Mayo 2017, HBS Club Columbus, and the Harvard and Dartmouth Clubs of Central Ohio invites all members and guests to Tequila 101: Mastery and Mixology (a course even Don Julio himself would be proud of).

2016 Holiday Luncheon

Join us at Lindey's for our annual Holiday Luncheon. Gather with alumnae, current students, prospective students, and their families and celebrate the new year!

pink and red woman's fund logo

Join us for a chat with Women's Fund founders Mary Lazarus '50 and Judy Garel '55 and Executive Director Nichole Dunn