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President's Message

President's Message

Welcome to the Wellesley College Club of Dallas! Our Club serves Dallas, Fort Worth, and the greater North Texas region.

Our goal is to build community among alumnae in the North Texas area, as well as to serve the goals of Wellesley College and the Wellesley College Alumnae Association. We host several flagship events throughout the year, including our admissions sendoff, holiday party, faculty lecture, and Day to Make a Difference community service initiatives. We also organize lunches, book clubs, family playdates, and museum outings throughout the year. We are eager to hear your ideas and always welcome new volunteers, so please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself, if you are new to the area, or send your ideas even if you have been a longtime resident of DFW. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Welcome to Dallas-Fort Worth—we are glad you are here!

To connect, please email us at