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2pm on Saturday, January 25, 2020
3811 Turtle Creek Blvd, Suite 1100
Dallas, TX 75219

A lecture about the significance of Frank Lloyd Wright’s only freestanding theater, built for the Dallas Theater Center and cutting-edge director Paul Baker, along the George Kessler-planned Turtle Creek corridor in the heart of Dallas.

A practicing architect since 1979, Ann Abernathy'72 has devoted her career to enlivening our relationships with the built environment. She has taught architectural design at MIT, and at the School of the Art Institute while in Chicago.  Ann was project architect for the restoration of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home in Oak Park, Illinois, where her work was recognized with the AIA’s National Honor Award.   Ann led the effort to secure City of Dallas Historic Landmark designation for the Kalita Humphreys Theater building in May 2005. While at Booziotis & Co. Architects, she led a multi-disciplinary team of cross-national consultants in developing The Dallas Theater Center Master Plan, which was completed in 2010.

  • 2020
  • architecture
  • frank lloyd wright
  • kalita humphreys theater
  • lecture
  • lecture 2020