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Past Events

oin us for Late Nights at the DMA on August 16! We'll tour the Dior exhibit, which features over 200 haute couture dresses from over 70 years of the fashion house's history, and attend a lecture by Sarah Schleuning, the exhibit's curator.

Brunch at El Bolero

Join your fellow alumnae for a casual sit down brunch at local Dallas eatery El Bolero.

Lunch at Hello Dumpling

Back by popular demand, join Wellesley friends on Sunday, March 17, 11:30 am-1:30 pm for a casual lunch at Hello Dumpling, a Beijing street food restaurant owned and operated by June Chow '87.

2018 Holiday Party

Our Club's annual Holiday Party is planned for Sunday, December 2 at 4 pm at the home of Anne Dethrow.

2018 Annual Meeting 7/2018

On June 13, 2018, our Club held its 2018 Annual Meeting.  Special thanks to Ann Sentilles for hosting the meeting in her beautiful home and to all who attended.