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Diner Marocain - Dune Song_2019-02-13_304

Diner Marocain - Dune Song

Diner Marocain in honor of Anissa Bouziane's '87 latest novel Dune Song.

Please join our very own novelist, Anissa Bouziane '87 for 'Diner Marocain à Paris' in honor of her latest novel, Dune Song (available at WH Smith and on Amazon). As all those present at our last book club can attest, we couldn't get enough of Anissa's insights about the book and her incredible journey that lead to Dune Song's publication.  If you haven't read Dune Song yet, no worries...please do join us to share a meal and great conversation.


When:  Sunday, March 10 at 19h

Where: Essaouira, 16 rue de Magdebourg, 75116 Paris (near Trocadero)

RSVP: or 06 73 34 03 90 (space is limited!)