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Inspiring Women Tell Their Stories - Save the Date

Inspiring Women Tell Their Stories - Save the Date!

Please join the WCF, the Barnard Club of France and the Smith Club of France for a very special event celebrating the inspiring stories of our alumnae in France entitled “Life so Far: Inspiring Women Tell Their Stories”. 

The event will  be held at Reid Hall, the Columbia Global  Center in Paris on Sunday, November 17, from 4pm to 6pm.  After a brief presentation of the alumnae clubs in France, two alumnae of each college will tell their own inspiring stories for 6 minutes each in a TedTalk-type approach, followed by a Q&A and reception.  Representing Wellesley will be novelist  Anissa Bouziane ’87 and Google Arts and Culture Policy Manager Claire-Marie Foulquier-Gazagnes ’10 (Science Po Exchange).