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Invitation Vernissage

Invitation Vernissage

Wellesley professor Bunny Harvey to show her latest works in Paris!

Our beloved Wellesley Professor Bunny Harvey will be presenting her work 'Survival Tactics' in Paris at the AUP Fine Arts Gallery! Professor Harvey has kindly extended the invitation to the Vernissage on November 21, 2019 from 18h-20h30 to the Wellesley Club of France! We hope you'll be able to join Professor Harvey for this very special evening...

Address: 6 rue du Colonel Combes
75007 Paris

Security is tight and registration is imperative.

To attend the exhibition AFTER the Vernissage people have to contact Jonathan Shimony at AUP separately to get onto a security list. (Fun fact: Jonathan's mother is a Wellesley alum!)
Jonathan Shimony
Curator Fine Arts Gallery
Department of Art History and Fine Arts
Tel: +1 40 62 06 33