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WCF 2020 General Assembly Meeting and Reception

WCF 2020 General Assembly Meeting and Reception

You are invited to The Wellesley Club of France Annual General Meeting (Assemblée Générale Ordinaire).

Meeting starts at 5:15 p.m., SHARP at the home of Kathleen de Carbuccia ‘62, 83 Avenue Foch, 75116 Paris (metro Porte Dauphine). All Wellesley Club members may attend; those who were members in 2019 may vote on the resolutions put forward.  After the meeting, please stay for the party (from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.) with fellow alumnae and their spouses/partners (for whom the party is FREE).
RSVP to Pamela Boulet ’87 ( or 0673340390