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WCF Book Club on December 4, 2016

WCF Book Club on December 4, 2016

“Inherited Disorders” by Adam Ehrlich Sachs

Please join us for our next book club on Sunday, December 4th at 5 PM chez Margaret Peyrard ‘80

The book is "Inherited Disorders" by Adam Ehrlich Sachs 

RSVP for address info: or 06 82 69 07 29


"A son receives an inheritance from his father and tries to dispose of it before it destroys him. "Inherited Disorders" tells this elemental story in over 100 hilarious, witty variations. Adam Ehrlich Sachs s "Inherited Disorders" is a rueful, absurd, and endlessly entertaining look at a most serious subject the eternally vexed relations between fathers and sons. In a hundred and seventeen shrewd, surreal vignettes, Sachs lays bare the petty rivalries, thwarted affection, and mutual bafflement that have characterized the filial bond since the days of Davidic kings."