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WCF General Assembly and Wellesley in Aix_Wintersession Student Reception January 9, 2016

WCF General Assembly and Wellesley in Aix/Wintersession Student Reception

The WCF Annual General Assembly (Assemblé Générale Ordinaire) will be held on Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 17h00 at the home of Kathleen de Carbuccia ’62.

The WCF Annual General Assembly (Assemblé Générale Ordinaire) will be held on Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 17h00 at the home of Kathleen de Carbuccia ’62. All Wellesley Club members may attend. The meeting will start promptly at 17h15 followed by a reception from 18h-20h with the second semester Wellesley in Aix  and winter session students, fellow alumnae and their spouses/partners (for whom the party is FREE).

The convocation, ‘ordre du jour’, dues and directory form, 'bulletin de vote par correspondance' and candidate list will be mailed mid-December.  We hope to see you there!
RSVP to: or 0673340390