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WCF Luncheon in honor of Associate Director of Admissions Milena Mareva ’01

WCF Luncheon in honor of Associate Director of Admissions Milena Mareva ’01

Please join in welcoming Milena at our favorite lunch spot, Les Deux Abeilles on Saturday, September 19 at 13h.

Address: 189, rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris
Metro: Alma-Marceau

Bus: 80, 92 Bosquet-Rapp

RSVP to or 06 73 34 03 90

Space is limited!


From left to right: Margaret Van Cleve ’11, Associate Director of Admission Milena Mareva, Holly Hasegawa Leclercq ’93, Maggie Cardelus ’85, Helene Schrenzel (mother Diane ’19), Anissa Bouziane ’87, Diane Schrenzel ’19, Claire Minnies ’07, Betsy Kasha ’86, Danielle Johnson (mother Cameron ’96).