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Astrid Witschi-Bernz ’60

Astrid Witschi-Bernz ’60

It is with great sadness that the Wellesley Club of France announces the death of our member Astrid Witschi-Bernz ’60 who died on Oct. 5, 2017, in Switzerland.

Many met Astrid in Switzerland through her efforts to keep Swiss-based alumnae in contact. She cared deeply about Wellesley in its mission to educate women. She encouraged and supported many of us in our private and professional lives with great kindness, attentiveness, and enthusiasm.

Astrid was Swedish by family, raised in Manhattan, and educated at Wellesley, Middlebury (M.A.), and Harvard (Ph.D.). She married a Swiss-Bernese lawyer and brought her intellect and appreciation for languages, history, culture, art, politics and nature to her life in Bern and Switzerland. She is survived by her husband, daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. We are saddened by her passing and will hold her in our thoughts.