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Tapestry Project

As you may recall, in light of the significance of the 50th reunion milestone, a group of us decided to look more deeply into our journey from there to here. Calling it “Our Tapestry Project,” we launched a study of the evolution of the Class of 1966 over the decades since graduation, based on the information we have amassed in our reunion-year record books.  
This is a uniquely rich collection of data, so much so that we engaged the Wellesley Centers for Women to help us distill the information from the surveys into a manageable format.  They have created tables that show how our answers over time on similar issues have changed (or not), illuminating the developments in our lives.  

But in starting to analyze these data, we have realized that these statistics tell only a small part of our stories.  We need to delve into the narratives that you and we have provided, on our personal pages  and in commentary on the surveys, to get a true picture of what we’ve experienced and how we’ve become who we are.  So we are planning to continue the Tapestry Project through at least another year, aiming for a full-bodied report on a select group of well-educated women who have been paying attention as we and our communities have progressed through the past 50 years.

This will be a lot of work but it should be rewarding, because we will be working with each other and learning about ourselves. To start planning the next steps, we will get together on the Friday evening of reunion, June 3, right after stepsinging, in the Tower Court Great Hall.  We will do our best to take no more than 30 minutes for this initial gathering.  If you want to take part but won’t be at reunion, let us know—the real planning, and the real effort, will be launched with a follow-up conference call.

If you want to be part of this project, and find out why it’s called “Our Tapestry,” please email Judy Mazo, at, and let her know whether or not you will be at the June 3 in-person meeting.   Thanks, and safe travels!

Tapestry Committee: Judy Peller Hallett, Judy Mazo, Joan Norris Boothe, Melinda Ponder and Barbara Bywater Creed