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2016 Who Would Have Guessed!

Watch the video.

Read the script.

A member of the class of 1967 wakes in her dorm to find herself in 2016, just in time for the 50th reunion of the class of 1966. So much has changed since she fell asleep! Watch her discover new innovations--smart phones, legal travel to Cuba, men who change diapers--and learn about the achievements of Wellesley women in the last 50 years (notably the members of the class of 1966, of course!).

Written and produced by Libbet Dunlop Richter, seen in the top photo in receipt of well-deserved flowers and applause, our Saturday night reunion skit starred many members of the class. See them backstage in the photo at right, relaxing after their scenes or waiting to go on stage. The whole cast appears in the curtain call picture below and is listed in the script.

Be sure to check out the video of 2016: Who Would Have Guessed! It was made for us by the videographer who conducted the interviews of classmates as we arrived on campus for reunion, and made those interviews into another video (click here for that one).