This online Wellesley community is home to all the ways you can stay connected to alums near and far. Choose the groups you want to be part of, search for Wellesley friends, or find networking connections through the Hive. There are many ways to keep Wellesley in your life and we are happy you are here!

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Palm Beaches Directory

The Alumnae Association offers an online directory for your group below, which can be filtered by name, state, city, country, industry, or occupation. A full alumnae directory is available on the WCAA home page

Please note: 

  • Compiling any contact information into a private list or using addresses to send mass emails is strictly prohibited.
  • Solicitation emails are not permitted under any circumstances, regardless of the number of recipients.
  • The College and the WCAA take seriously our responsibility to protect the privacy of the members of the Wellesley College community. You may view our full privacy policy here.
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