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To Alma Mater

If a Wellesley alumna recalls even a single Stepsinging tune, it's likely to be the Alma Mater. Anne Barrett Hughes, class of 1886, wrote the lyrics as a heartfelt pledge of lifelong love and service to Wellesley College. Classmate Flora Smeallie Ward arranged them to the tune of a German folksong, "The Mountain Maiden."

To Alma Mater is featured at any College event calling for some pomp and circumstance, and is frequently heard coming from the carillon bells of Galen Stone Tower. One particularly moving rendition occurs at Reunion each year, when the Alumnae Association concludes its Annual Meeting by leading hundreds of alumnae in singing the Alma Mater together. These alumnae embody the spirit of the song, which proudly affirms "We'll give our lives and hopes to serve her...answer to her every call." 


To Alma Mater, Wellesley's daughters 
All together join and sing
Thro' all her wealth of wood and waters
Let your happy voices ring 

In ev'ry changing mood we love her
Love her tow'rs and woods and lake
Oh changeful sky, bend blue above her
Wake ye birds, your chorus wake!

We'll sing her praises now and ever
Blessed fount of truth and love
Our heart's devotion may it never
Faithless or unworthy prove

We'll give our lives and hopes to serve her
Humblest, highest, noblest all
A stainless name we will preserve her
Answer to her ev'ry call

Click the video below to hear the Wellesley Widows perform "To Alma Mater"

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