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About Reunion


Reunion Co-Chairs, Clare Urion McCully and Sue Cobler

It is safe to say that the Wellesley College Class of 1981 40th Reunion will be like no other reunion we have experienced! Our Reunion Committee has been working hard to bring you a uniquely wonderful “virtual” event that will be our most accessible reunion ever. Without the time and cost constraints of an on-campus reunion, all you will need to attend is an internet connection. Our goal is for you to feel the same enjoyment and powerful connections as when we are on campus together. We are keeping the same events and schedule as past reunions with some extra special additions. In these unique times, we want to celebrate the diversity of who we are as individuals, our resilience in our light of our individual challenges, and the unifying force of Wellesley in our lives.  We are Many Shades of Green. 

While the reunion weekend is June 4th, 5th and 6th, 2021, we have planned a few activities in the weeks leading up to reunion to help us reconnect, and we have done our best to capture the many different time zones in which our classmates live. Sue and Clare are very grateful for the hard work and creativity the reunion committee has brought forth to bring you fun, meaningful, and memorable events. We look forward to seeing you in the weeks to come, and especially ON reunion weekend! To receive Zoom links for all the events you wish to attend, be sure to register on the reunion registration form found here on our class website.

And, just to make sure, we won’t be “Zooming you out,” we are creating several videos you can watch at your leisure in between reunion events, including a virtual class art show, a concert of step-singing songs, a “sanity challenge” video, and much more! In addition, our classmate, Brigid Amos, is producing a play reading of one of her original plays with the Wellesley College Theatre Department. And don’t forget, you can always read the record book online when available in May. All of this content will be posted on this website on reunion weekend, and will be available to view indefinitely.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Sue and Clare ( or

 1-9-8-1 Wellesley rah!!