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My Shared Identity Groups (SIGs)

Join classmates to reconnect, reminisce, and renew Wellesley ties through Reunion 2021 virtual activities.

May 2021

Embracing Transitions  - Tuesday, May 4; 8:00 pm EDT

Guest Speaker: Kristin Bradley Bull '85. Subsequent May Weekly programming with details to be provided closer to final date:
Thriving through Career Transitions
Dependent Care for Aging Parents
Advice for the Parents of College-bound Kids
Health and Wellness after 50

1991 First Year Cluster Reunion - Saturday May 22; 5:00 pm EDT

Friday, June 4

Speaker Kristina Niovi Jones, PhD, Director, Wellesley College Botanic Gardens; Advisory Faculty, Environmental Studies “From Victory Gardens to Climate Change: Wellesley’s Century of Collecting Plants to Big Issues of the Day" - 2:30-4:00 pm EDT
Click to join at 2:30 pm EDT

WCAA Shared Identity Group (SIG) Open Houses - throughout Friday evening
SIG events are open to all Wellesley alumnae.

1991 Reunion Kickoff Cocktails - 8:00 pm EDT
Click to join at 8:00 pm EDT

Saturday, June 5

1991 Reunion Weekend Yoga - 10:00 am EDT
Click to join at 10:00 am EDT

141st Annual Meeting of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association - 11:00 am EDT
This event is open to all Wellesley alumnae.
Click to join at 11:00 am EDT

1991 Class Meeting - 12:00 pm EDT 
Click to join at 12:00 pm EDT

Wellesley Students’ Aid Society Annual Meeting: Hear how flexible financial assistance from the Wellesley Students’ Aid Society (WSAS) helps put a Wellesley education in reach for students from all walks of life. WSAS provides more than $1.5 million each year in tuition and other aid for Wellesley students - 2:15 PM-3:00 pm EDT
Click to join at 2:15 pm EDT

1991 Chocolate Tasting - 3:00 pm EDT
This is a paid event (Cost: $50). Registration is required.

1991 Trivia Night - 8:00 pm EDT
Click to join at 8:00 pm EDT

Sunday, June 6

Slater International Center Alumnae Reception9:00-10:00 am EDT
Click to join at 9:00 am EDT 

1991 Morning Meditation - 11:00 am EDT
Click to join at 11:00 am EDT

WCAA Shared Identity Group (SIG) Open Houses - throughout Sunday afternoon
SIG events are open to all Wellesley alumnae. 

Questions about virtual event accessibility? Please email