This online Wellesley community is home to all the ways you can stay connected to alums near and far. Choose the groups you want to be part of, search for Wellesley friends, or find networking connections through the Hive. There are many ways to keep Wellesley in your life and we are happy you are here!

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My Shared Identity Groups (SIGs)

Your Group Treasury

Welcome, group volunteers! If you are involved in the handling of your group's expenses, this is your one-stop shop for financial tools. All the forms and information you will need to utilize your group's funds can be found here. Please note that any alum volunteer wishing to receive reimbursement MUST complete the first form below (Registration Form for WCAA Alumnae Group Reimbursees) and receive confirmation from the WCAA before submitting any reimbursement requests. Also, note that speaker fees and honorariums are unique. See below for details.

Click here to view a full video walkthrough of the sign-up and reimbursement process, led by Darcy Kupferschmidt, Associate Director of Alumnae Engagement.