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From the President

From the President

Thank you for visiting The Hartford Wellesley Club website! Our mission is to connect the nearly 300 Wellesley alumnae in central CT to the College and to each other. Founded in 1892, we have a long tradition of carrying out this mission and are excited for our upcoming 125th anniversary later this year. Now is a great time to get re-engaged with The Hartford Wellesley Club and the dynamic alumnae in our region!

The Hartford Wellesley Club hosts events throughout the year including speaker events, an admitted student reception, summer send-off for current students, and a celebration called Half-Century Tea that honors alumnae that graduated 50 or more years ago. We also have an annual Three College Luncheon with alumnae from the Hartford-area Mount Holyoke and Smith College clubs; a tradition that has been in existence for several decades. 

Our club is very involved in supporting admissions efforts by interviewing local students, participating in college fairs and panels, and distributing over 20 book awards to deserving high school students in our area. Thank you for your dues support and gifts that help to make these activities possible and that enable us to recruit and attract the next generation of Wellesley students.

The Hartford Wellesley Club is here for you and our amazing alumnae are what makes it special. From impromptu trivia nights and hikes to providing rides to reunion or just lending a helping hand or listening ear in the time of need, that is the Hartford Wellesley spirit. Join the excitement as a club supporter or volunteer and help to make our 125th anniversary the best year yet!