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July 2018 Harvard Brownbagger

July Harvard Brownbagger

Join the Harvard Club on Tuesday, July 17th for a disturbing look into a critical, if lesser-known, aspect of the Big Island’s volcano ordeal. Keli’i Akina, Ph.D, President and CEO of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, will describe "How Lawmakers Fanned the Flames of the Lava Disaster."

A state public official, Keli’i Akina became a Trustee-at-Large for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs in 2016, getting 164,000 votes in the statewide election. As a policy adviser at state and national levels, Dr. Akina is a leading defender of the Aloha Spirit, as exemplified by his famous rallying cry, “E hana kakou — Let’s work together!” An expert in East-West philosophy and ethics, Dr. Akina has lectured at universities in China and the U.S. and has taught on the faculties of Hawaii Pacific University and the University of Hawaii. 

A graduate of Kamehameha Schools, Dr. Akina earned a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University, and both a master’s degree and doctorate from the University of Hawaii. He also is a Pacific Century Fellow, affiliated with the White House Fellows program.

Bring your friends and join us on the 17th!

Date: Tuesday, July 17th, 2018
Time: Noon - 1:30 pm 
Place: The Ohana Room at Architects Hawaii, Ltd, through the courtesy of Harvard Club member David Miller. It's on the 29th floor of the Makai Tower of Pacific Guardian Center, 733 Bishop Street. 
Cost: FREE
Lunch: Bring your own sandwich, bento, beverage, etc. 
RSVP by email to 

Arkie Koehl 
VP, Activities 
Harvard Club of Hawaii