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Club Connects With Young Women in STEM at Tech Savvy Event

Club Connects With Young Women in STEM at Tech Savvy Event

On Saturday, April 21, the Wellesley Club of Hawaii participated in the Association of American University Women's annual Tech Savvy event, a daylong science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career conference designed to attract girls in sixth through ninth grades to these fields. Vicki Fay '60, Kaoru Harada '72, Leah Lee '08, and Sarah Ertle '16 volunteered at the Wellesley Club table, speaking with conference attendees about the many academic opportunities offered at the College and encouraging the girls to consider Wellesley as they begin their college searches.

Vice President Kaoru Harada '72 and Young Alum Chair Sarah Ertle '16 are welcoming faces at the Wellesley Club of Hawaii's table.

Secretary Leah Lee '08 and Sarah Ertle '16 talk with conference attendees.