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Want to get involved with our club?

The Wellesley Club UK organizes a wide variety of activities each year, including regualar drinks evenings; career masterclasses; lectures from visiting professors and alums; private tours at museum exhibitions; theatre nights; volunteer community projects; tax-planning sessions; and our annual Thanksgiving dinner.

We also hold joint events with the other Seven College Conference schools — a Spring Lunch and fall gathering, as well as a book club — and with UK-based universities, such as Cambridge's Newnham College.

Most of our events are open to Wellesley alums and juniors and their guests. Please see our " events" page for more information on upcoming activities.

The UK Club also maintains a Facebook group, which is called Wellesley UK Club; it can be found here:!/group.php?gid=2580042020.

We're on Twitter: please follow us at @WellesleyUKClub.

And Instagram: Follow us at @wellesleyclubuk