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Sunday, 20th October 2019

On Sunday, October 20th the Club hosted a tea with current students at Wellesley's Slater International Center. The event was inspired by alum Alison Noehrbass ’14, who attended her first reunion last year and heard that UK-based students would like to be able to engage with the Club before they become alums.

Six students came along to the event. One was from the UK, one from Greece and one from Italy. All six are interested in moving to the UK to work or study after graduation.

We were joined by Halima Hima ’10, a graduate student at Cambridge and an Albright Fellow, who spoke on a panel celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Albright Institute for Global Affairs, as well as by Anissa Bouziane ’87 and her sister Yasmina. (Anissa will speak to the Club about her debut novel, Dune Song, in 2020; we're working on a date now.)


  • (Left to right:
    Charlotte Kasper ’20
    Marili Karageorgiou ’20
    Anissa Bouziane ’87
    Yasmina Bouziane
    Christine Oginga ’20)



    Left to right:
    Christine Oginga ’20;
    Lizzie Mears '20;
    Kristen Gasparini '2

We had a wide-ranging conversation about the students’ general plans and interests which included art history, American studies, jazz, and the cosmetics and beauty industry.

We're now working to connect several of the students with local alums so they can explore mutual interests. If you work in the beauty industry; in art/museums; or in communications and marketing, particularly in tech, please contact Audrey. Students would love to speak with you!

We plan to make this tea an annual event, and in 2020 the Wellesley Club of France will host with us. Do let us know if you plan to be on campus then; it would be great to have more UK alums participating.

The Club is grateful to Leanne Dolat, Program Coordinator, Slater International Center; Marisa Shariatdoust ’09, Development Officer; and Laura St. Germain Adamczyk ’87, Senior Development Officer at Wellesley for their help in organizing this event!

-Contributed by Audrey Mandela ’80