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Tour of Oxford University Press

Wednesday, 23rd October 2019

From left to right: Christina Redfield ’79, Eri Ichijo ’14, Lisa Orii ’21, Abby Ow ’21, Oana Diaconscu ’15 and Nina Sachdev ’21

(not pictured: Kate Tadman-Mourby ’89)

Following the success of the Oxford Welcome Tea for juniors, a group of local alumnae and current Wellesley juniors met for a tour of the Oxford University Press museum and library with an archivist. The group was able to follow the history of the press from its first published book in 1668 through to its present-day world-wide expansion, with a chance to use an old printing press and propose their favorite words. This tour was followed by a quick trip to my office where I work as a researcher on the Oxford English Dictionary. We were also able to tour the OED slip room (where there are thousands of slips of quotation evidence used in revising the OED) and the OED library, where there are thousands of reference works used in revising entries, etymologies and definitions of the OED).

-Contributed by Kate Tadman-Mourby ’89

The Club is grateful to Kate for arranging this wonderful visit!