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Career Conversation with Jane Wolf Frances '68 Managing Changes in Career, Life Stages and Aging Parents

Jane shares her experiences in parenting her parents, publishing a book and starting a nonprofit.

This event has been postponed.

When:  Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 3:00-5:00 p.m..

Where:  Westwood/Wilshire corridor address provided upon RSVP below

Parking:  Enter driveway for valet parking by building doormen. If the lot is full, there is unrestricted parking on the side streets: on both sides of Wilshire, Thayer Avenue (directly south of the building), and on Ashton Avenue, from Thayer east to Beverly Glen.

???:  Please contact

Pricing:  Event is free for members and $10 for non-members and guests.  Advance RSVP is required.

If the cost of a non-member ticket causes undue financial burden, please contact, and we'll find a solution that supports your attending.

About the Speaker:  Jane Wolf Frances has spent nearly five decades honing her skills as a problem-solver, applying her special brand of "listening" to the concerns presented by her clients.  Graduating with honors from Wellesley College, Jane received her Juris Doctor law degree from Boston University. Later in life, she attended UCLA to receive her master's degree is social welfare, becoming a licensed Psychotherapist.

Jane's years of education reflect more than focused determination and scholarly discipline. They also afforded Jane a fascinating career with the Peace Corps and VISTA Volunteer programs; in anti-poverty law; as a Law Professor working with Dream Team attorney Gerald F. Uelmen; a "deal maker at 20th Century Fox" and a part of some of the most fascinating cases of our day.  Jane has also won awards volunteering her time at AIDS Project Los Angeles, running caregiver support groups and working to change unfair tax laws.

Jane now practices psychotherapy in her offices in southern California. For decades, she's counseled individuals and families to successfully resolve their biggest challenges -- be they emotional loss, practical, relational or stage of life. Bringing the experiences of teaching and practicing law to her work as a mental health professional and family coach, Jane feels privileged to have helped so many people live happier, healthier and saner lives. But she's not been content to stop there...

Jane has continued to build and guide her community through her website and nonprofit Parent Our Parents Foundation along with the release of her recent book, "Parenting Our Parents; Transforming the Challenge into a Journey of Love."  Jane provides private one-on-one POP Family Coaching to a limited number of families as well as training for certification of others to become POP Family Coaches.

Jane and her work can be found at:, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube.

We look forward to seeing you!

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