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Huntington:  Tour of the Virginia Steel Scott Galleries

Wellesley Friends of Art

Wellesley Alumnae docent guide, Kim Ruys de Perez, ’81 will give an overview of the Huntington and then walk the group through the Virginia Steel Scott Galleries of American Art.

We will meet Kim at the entrance.  After a tour of the Gallery (an hour or so, depending on everyone's interest), there is a self-hosted lunch at a restaurant within or near the Huntington.  Kim will also suggest other areas at the Huntington that should not be missed.  For those who can stay, there is more than enough for a full day at the Huntington.

SUGGESTED ARRIVAL TIME:  Please plan to arrive at 10:30 or 10:45am as it can take a while to park, walk to the entrance, get a ticket and meet up with the group.  The tour begins at 11am at the entrance.  Early birds can chat over a cup of coffee at the cafe near the entrance until everyone arrives.

COST:  Admission fee of $23 if we have a group of 15 or more; $29 if we do not.

Please note:  If you are a MEMBER of the Huntington, you do not have to pay for admission.

RSVP:  Friends of Art

The Huntington website