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Join WAPA at Long Beach Pride Parade! 4/30/2019

Celebrate Pride with Alums!

The Long Beach Pride Parade will march along Ocean Boulevard on May 19th. This year's theme is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. We will cheer on the parade, and some may choose to head to the official pride festival after the parade. Details about the parade and festival are available here.

Date: Sunday, May 19, 2019

Time: Around 10 AM (parade step-off is at 10:30 AM)

Location:  Meet at Gaviota Ave. and E Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90802

Pricing:  Free to cheer on the parade; if you want to attend the official festival after the parade, tickets start at $20 and can be purchased online in advance.

Questions?:  Contact