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W3A LA: Another Place: Chen Yujun Solo Pop-up Exhibition

 Curatorial Walk-through With Artist Present

Wellesley alum and Chinese Contemporary Art Consultant Melanie Ouyang Lum '07 has organized a special pop-up exhibition in the historic Bradbury building in Downtown LA. The exhibition features artist Chen Yujun who is here in LA for the month of December. Please join us for a curatorial walk-through of the exhibition with the artist present. This is a special opportunity since several of the artworks from this show have been acquired by the Brooklyn Museum.

About the artist: Chen Yujun was born in Putian, Fujian Province in 1976. His hometown is known as a diaspora village. Great numbers of Chinese immigrants relocated to South East Asia in his grandparents' generation, seeking a better life. The melding of South East Asian culture brought back by the returning generation, which is unique to Putian, has left a deep imprint on the artist. The artworks are suggestive of intimate places to viewers, drawing on the artist's personal life and experiences.

*Please note: parking lots are conveniently located around the building.