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WCLA Annual Meeting 6-17-2018

Join our board! 

Have ideas?  Please join us!  We are having our annual board meeting to fill open positions, program the next year, and set goals for our WCLA!


Membership Chair

  • Develops strategy to maintain or increase membership;
  • Is responsible for appointing and coordinating the work of one or more committees to welcome to the club’s area newly-arrived alumnae and to organize alumnae by class or decade or such other membership breakdown as the board may direct;
  • Prepares and publishes a new club directory when directed by the board;
  • May opt in to receiving quarterly change of address reports -- please contact the Alumnae Office.

For more information, go to Membership Chair.

Programming Co-Chair

  • Design programs which appeal to the club diverse constituency and to plan the year's calendar of events;
  • Inform the Alumnae Office of plans and activities by forwarding copies of all newsletters and special reports.
  • C0-Chair Faculty Speaker Program.

Community Service Chair

  • Identify local community organization;
  • Manage event communicatins with notices for the newsletter, website and social media;
  • Coordinate all event logisitics
  • Coordinate communication with SoCal alumnae clubs (Pasadena, Santa Barbara and San Diego);
  • Liaison with Wellesley College.

For more information, go to Day to Make A Difference.

To join the board meeting, please contact us at: