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WCLA Book Club - August 2018

"Silver Like Dust: One Family's Story of America's Japanese Internment"

by Kimi Cunningham Grant

The WCLA Book Club is open to all Wellesley alumnae and includes a wide range of ages. The Club meets one Sunday a month. We read a wide variety of genres and try to keep a good mix of fiction and nonfiction. Books and dates for each month are picked at the preceding month's meeting. Anyone who wants to be added to the book club distribution list is welcome to join!

For August's book selection, Silver Like Dust is an account of the author's grandmother's experience being imprisoned in Japanese internment camps in America during World War II (sadly topical).

Parking is either in the LACMA garage ($12) or street parking around LACMA at meters which on Sundays are typically free.

RSVP: Ottavia Montingelli