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Wellesley Circles Facilitator Workshop! 11-21-2019

Francine Miltenberger ‘78 is visiting LA from Silicon Valley where she has led Circles for the Wellesley Club of Silicon Valley for the last couple years.  She will be leading our facilitator training workshop for our LA and Orange County facilitators. We're super excited for Francine's visit! We've had a tremendous response to Wellesley Circles and can't wait to launch in January 2020!

Please register by clicking here.
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Workshop will be held at the Wine Warehouse
Courtesy of Linda Myerson-Dean '81
6550 East Washington Boulevard
Commerce, CA 90040

Enter the door with "6550" above it.
Plenty of on-site parking
Lunch will be provided
Event is free for Circles Facilitator Volunteers

Questions?: Email


About Wellesley Circles

Wellesley Circles are modeled after a successful informal menotr system for female Harvard and Stanford Business School graduates. Many of us feel the need for support or a sounding board when pondering the challenges that face us every day in our personal and professional lifes. We thought: "Wouldn't it be great to have a regular opportunity to tap into the wisdom and advice of fellow Wellesley alums when struggling with life challenges?"
The Wellesley Club of Los angeles will launch this new program in January 2020 designd to help you do just that.

Circles are small neighborhood-based groups of approximately 10 Wellesley alums who come together monthly to build deep relationships and provide peer support and inspiration for each other. Groups are formed once a year, and each participant is asked to commit to a one-year involvement. Circles will be composed with diversity across life stage, industry, work status, relationship status, children/family status, and such to enhance the range of perspectives available in the confidential monthly conversations.

Our goal is to reach alums across our vast geographic area and to form circles in areas as far-ranging as the West Valley, the Valley, Los Angeles, the Westside, West Hollywood, East LA, DTLA, Crenshaw, South Bay, Long Beach, Palos Verdes, North Orange County and South Orange County. We were inspired by the Wellesley Club of Silicon Valley which launched Circle Gatherings in 2018 and have had great success, continuing the program into it's 2nd year.