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Hike at Staatsburgh Historic Site on October 23, 2021

Hike at Staatsburgh Historic Site on October 23, 2021

You and your family are invited to join us at 2pm on Saturday, October 23 (rain date October 30) at the Staatsburgh State Historic Site for a (likely easy to moderate level) hike. There are hiking trails in two state parks adjacent to this property, so there are plenty of opportunities to explore.

Parking is free at the Staatsburgh Historic Site, and my understanding is the same is true for the hiking trails nearby. We plant to meet at the kiosk where there is a trail map, so it’s best to park at the North Lot, which is the maintenance area. You can learn more about the historic site here:

Please R.S.V.P. to Davina Vora ’95 at by Thursday, October 21. She will be in touch about details regarding how to get to the correct parking lot. Note that email is the best way to reach her except on the day-of, when you should be able to call her on her cell phone at 845-616-2484.