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2018 Day to Make a Difference

Get Out the Vote!

Voter Registration Training

When:  Thursday, September 13, 6:00-7:30 pm

Where:  League of Women Voters Minnesota
550 Rice Street, Suite 201, St. Paul, MN 55103

Empower voters.
Support our democratic process.
Learn how to register voters in advance of the election.

On September 13th, the League of Women Voters Minnesota will offer a voter registration training session for interested members of the Wellesley Club of Minnesota. Trained participants may then volunteer for any number of Get Out the Vote events with their local LWV chapters or the statewide chapter.

The League of Women Voters Minnesota is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to civic engagement.  LWV helps people register to vote (or pledge to do so) without supporting or opposing any candidate or political party. 

This particular training event re-launches the Minnesota Wellesley Club’s Day to Make a Difference (D2MAD) which provides an opportunity for Wellesley alumnae across the country along with students, faculty and staff to come together and live out our college motto by serving a local community organization.

Questions? Contact Rebecca Hawthorne, ’79, at 612-840-9068.