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2018 Holiday Lunch

Join us for our annual holiday gathering!

Please join the Wellesley Club of Minnesota as we gather for our annual winter event, the Holiday Lunch. We welcome you to bring a guest. Enjoy a beautiful view of St Paul while you savor a meal and the company of other Wellesley graduates. If you are new to Minnesota, this is a wonderful opportunity to meet people and learn how to get involved with the Club.

Cost: $42 per person, or $20 for Young Alumnae (those who have graduated in the last 5 years)

If you are bringing a guest, you will need to purchase an additional meal when you RSVP ("buy tickets"). All guests will be asked to select a meal choice when buying your ticket so that we can plan appropriately.

If you have not yet joined the Club or renewed your Membership for the year, you may do so with cash or check at the door, however we strongly encourage you to do this now via this website.

Deadline to RSVP has passed.