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Cocktails and Conversation

Professor Takis Metaxas, the Faculty Director for the MK Albright Institute and Computer Science Professor

When: Thursday, February 28, 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Where: Home of Jody Strakosch '79, 2200 Newton Avenue South, Minneapolis

Cost: Free

Please RSVP by Monday, February 25th.

We are thrilled that Professor Metaxas reached out to Martha Goldberg Aronson to let her know that he will be in Minneapolis attending a conference and offered to meet with the club. Takis will talk to us about the Albright Institute and its events, his research on online electoral propaganda, current student interest in computing, the rebuilding of the Science Center, and anything else we might want to discuss!

His bio states "I'm a Professor of Computer Science at Wellesley College, studying online social media, primarily related to the propagation of information and misinformation, prediction of political events, and in developing tools that help users evaluate the trustworthiness of information.  In particular, with my Wellesley colleagues and students, we have been studying the problem of propaganda and online misinformation since 2002."

Join us for what promises to be a very interesting discussion!