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From the President

From the President

Welcome to the New Jersey Wellesley Club!

Please take a moment to explore our webpage and get involved with your local Wellesley community in the Garden State! Covering the geographical stretch between Westfield/Plainfield in the south, Newark/Jersey City in the east, Pennsylvania in the west and New York in the north, the New Jersey Wellesley Club comprises 700+ active members.

We urge you to become an active part of our vibrant Wellesley network! Get involved! Participate in local events! Renew old friendships and make new ones! You can keep up with the latest upcoming events on our NJWC Facebook page. 

Established in 1924, the New Jersey Wellesley Club represents 700+ active alumnae who live in northern New Jersey. While our members are richly diverse in backgrounds and interests, our common goal as a Club is to promote Wellesley College and strengthen the ties of our local Wellesley network. Our Club-wide and Regional events offer a rich variety of fun ways to make and sustain those invaluable Wellesley connections we treasure throughout our lives.
We look forward to seeing you soon at an NJWC event!
Warm regards,
Lisa Bianco '94
President, New Jersey Wellesley Club